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Click on this attachment to download the complete PFD file of the 1981-82 Torch Yearbook
Click on this attachment to download the complete PFD file of the 1981-82 Torch Yearbook
Click on this attachment to download the complete PFD file of the 1981-82 Torch Yearbook
Click on this attachment to download the complete PFD file of the 1981-82 Torch Yearbook
Community Feast and Open House
The Feast and Open House occurred on March 13, 2018 and was well attended.
The Alumni Group helped serve at the feast and then hosted a table by the library which displayed numerous posters and memorabilia.
Thank you to Greg Woloyszyn, Brittany Smotrycki and Ruth and Alan Stargardter for volunteering during the evening.
See photos taken by Brittany below.
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