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Alumni Pin Presentation

Alumni Pin Presentation

Alumni Committee member, Sue Gibb met Len Kropioski (Kroppy) , a St. John's Alumnus 1935 era and WWII Veteran, at the Winnipeg Jets game January 13, 2014.

On behalf of the Alumni Committee, I presented him with a St. John's Alumni Pin. He was thrilled with it and immediately placed it on his lapel. He mentioned playing for the St. John's Tigers Football team. 

If you are going to a Jets game, please go and say hello to him in section 104, he would be pleased to talk to you, especially if you mention you are a St. John's Alumni.


Go to the following links to read more about Kroppy. › ... › Hockey â€º Winnipeg Jets â€º Jetcetera‎ › Media › Video‎





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